So: 29 weeks! 11 weeks to go & little one is getting stronger & stronger & more active all the time. I LOVE feeling her move! ...and I love feeling Geoff feeling her move!
I'm feeling a lot better at the moment -- My SPD has almost disappeared, although I have been having quite a lot of back pain in the last week or so. Its such a relief not to be in constant pain.
This afternoon we'll be attending Robyn Sheldon's course at Mama Bamba called 'unborn child awareness' which teaches parents to connect with unborn children. I am really looking forward to us doing the course & to gaining new knowledge on connecting which we can implement for the next 11 or so weeks.
Geoff is convinced that she will be arriving on the 28th August! :)
I just hope she doesn't decide to come before the 14th so we can have a few weeks to settle into our new home. (Mom said she knows of people that have picked up / moved moving boxes with their foot & its broken their waters so NOT to do that!!)
I had a chat with one of our new artist book club ladies last night & she told me that she used to be a midwife... she was a midwife for a year and delivered around 30 babies & just loved that chapter of her life... She said that I seem to be carrying perfectly for my body shape etc & that I am really looking great. (It's always good to hear nice things!).
Baby Center Says:

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