Sunday, October 30, 2011

7 Weeks

Stella is 7 weeks old already & it feels as if the time has simply flown... She is an absolute joy & Geoff and I are smitten! We're totally fascinated by every new development & it is a privilege to experience this life unfolding - a little bud just starting to open & reveal its beauty...

Stella started smiling 'real' smiles in her 5th week. She responds with smiles to us speaking to her close-up... and I discovered that if I zoom my finger  (making 'zooming' sounds) in and touch her nose (making an exploding sound) repeatedly, she absolutely loves it. I read in the Baby Sense book that little ones of this age enjoy anticipation, so we're playing lots of anticipation games with her.

Stella takes her dummy, but it sometimes takes a bit of convincing her! Sometimes she puts her lips together so tightly... or she pushes her tongue out so that the dummy can't go in - how does she know to do that?! When she's got it but doesn't want it any more she can shoot it out of her mouth quite far, so the dummy clip T'Neal made her is essential to keep it off the floor / un-lost!. It's been a great (but not essential) tool to ease her into sleep. Amazing how little ones fight sleep!!

At the 6 week checkup, the pediatrician said that she weighed 5.25kg and had grown a cm. Great news as we're clearly doing well on the breast milk! :)

Geoff is amazing with Stella.. He gives her massages in the morning before work (he has to drag himself out of the house - he says he'd much rather stay here with us!) & loves to play with her when he gets home... I feel like a very lucky mommy to have such a supportive daddy... He's even offering to change nappies now(!) ...although I've got to laugh as he sometimes gets the vest fastened OVER the pants - superman style!!

Here is a video that Geoff put together one morning:

And here are a few recent pictures:

with Mom
with Dad

Snooze time in her pretty outfit from Robyn
The princess' bed :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

1 month

Stella is 1 month old today! The time seems to have flown & gone really slowly all at once. There have been challenges, but generally, she is the most wonderful little creature & quite easy as far as other mom's stories I've heard! We have found little tricks to help Stella settle (like putting her carry cot at an angle so that it's not so flat)... and we are managing to get a reasonable amount of sleep, all things considered!

Sometimes we are rewarded with a dazzling smile, but she's not smiling in direct response to anything we do yet - she just smiles and makes adorable noises to let us know she is happy and content :)

Here is a photographic update from the last few weeks:

Stella's Nanny is a pro baby-washer!

First trip to the beach [1 week old]

Breastfeeding is going really well! :)
Stella loves being carried in the wrap! [2 weeks old]
First experience of sun on her little bum!! :) [3.5 weeks old]
Stella & Daddy's hands
Stella bathing with Dad [4 weeks old]
Our happy little munchkin! 
Stella got held, kissed and butterfly kissed by a cherub:
the most beautiful 4-year old boy in the world, Fletcher Lowe
Stella at the beach in her jersey -
knitted by Great Grandmother Stella & finished by Aunt Marland